"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven."
-Matthew 18:3
Children's Activities are held on Wednesday nights from 6:45pm-7:45pm for ages 4 to 10 years old. Children get to spend time with friends studying the Bible, memorizing verses, playing games, making crafts, among other fun, God-filled activities!
During worship service on Sunday morning, the children are invited to the altar for Kids Corner where they will learn about the morning's scripture and message. After Kids Corner, they will be invited to attend children's church with their morning leader until the service ends. Children ages 4-10 are welcome!
As our church continues to expand, we are constantly looking to create new Sunday School classes as well as new groups for Young Adult, High School, and Middle School ages. If you're looking for ways to get involved and volunteer, please contact us! We will direct you to someone serving on our Christian Ed Committee.

Children & Youth Director:
Ms. Donna
Donna Riley has been the Children and Youth Director, as well as the church Choir Director, for many years. We are grateful for the many hours that she spends every week working with our children as well as her creativity, her compassion, and her love for them.